The Role of Diversity and Inclusion in Modern Recruitment
In today’s dynamic business environment, diversity and inclusion (D&I) are no longer just buzzwords; they are crucial components of a successful recruitment strategy. A diverse and inclusive workplace not only fosters innovation and creativity but also drives...
Strategic Business Planning for Success: A Comprehensive Guide to Setting Goals, Objectives, and Effective Portfolio Management
It's 2024 and we all have an idea of what we need to achieve in our businesses this year to achieve out goals whether they are to grow revenue, expand into new markets, reduce overheads or launch new products and services. In order to stay on track, focused on the...
Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Education and Career Paths: Finding Success and Fulfilment in the Modern World
In the not-so-distant past, obtaining a degree was often seen as the ultimate differentiator, and for some employers, an absolute requirement. Leading professional services organisations were renowned for their presence at top university employment fairs, where they...
The Evolution of the 9-to-5 Working Day and 5-Day Working Week: Historical Insights from the UK
The modern concept of the 9-to-5 working day and the 5-day working week has a rich historical and cultural background, deeply rooted in the societal shifts and labour movements of the past centuries. The United Kingdom, as a pioneer in industrialisation and labour...
Navigating change: Implement an adaptive strategy for success
In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, organisations are facing immense challenges to stay relevant and competitive. But we know this now, so why are we still talking about it?
Improving the Gender Gap
What can we all do to continue to rebalance the gap and why should we? A young woman learning business My mum made it look easy, she is from Accrington Lancashire UK, and lived in exotic places across the world including Africa and Singapore. She had 4 kids, ran her...